
Over 35 Years Experience
Serving Greater Calgary!

WETT Inspections 

Inspections for wood-burning appliances like fireplaces, wood stoves, or wood inserts are performed for various reasons.

Inspections for wood-burning appliances like fireplaces, wood stoves, or wood inserts are performed for various reasons.

Real estate transactions
Insurance company requirements
Home inspectors suggestion
Changes to fireplace or chimney
New Installation
Homeowner peace of mind.

What is WETT?

Click here to learn more


What is required to perform a WETT inspection? 

The appliance installation manual or visible access to the manufacturers label. If neither are available the inspection is based on building code and fire code regulations.

Crown Chimney Sweeps offers two levels of WETT inspections.

Level 1 Inspection

Performed by a WETT Certified technician or chimney sweep.
“Readily accessible” visible components of wood-burning system are visually inspected.
Measurements are taken to ensure the installation meets or exceeds code and/or manufacturers requirements.
Information about certification label markings along with manufacturer name or code references related to install.

A Level 1 inspection is non invasive. “Readily accessible” means it’s performed without the use of any special tools or ladders. A tape measure, screw driver, flash light, mirror, and possibly a magnifying glass and binoculars is all that’s required.

Level 2 Inspection

Performed by a WETT Certified technician or chimney sweep.
Inspection of full system and “accessible” parts.
Measurements are taken to ensure the installation meets or exceeds code and/or manufacturers requirements.
Information about certification label markings along with manufacturer name or code references related to install. 
More in-depth details concerning all accessible parts.

A Level 2 inspection is also non-intrusive, but may require the use of ladders or other special tools to visibly inspect “accessible” components.

Time For A Wett Inspection?


Silversprings NW
Calgary, AB.

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
9:00am - 5:00pm

Sat - Sun Closed

Preferred Method
of Payment

Cash, Cheque or
Email Transfer.


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